Documentary Review by: Nathan Diaz

This week in my class, I watched a documentary that my teacher showed, and it’s called “Generation Like.” It’s a fascinating documentary, and if you want to check it now, here’s the link to watch it in your own time right here Yeah, I know it may seem outdated because it’s 2016, but this documentary shows when the roots of social media have started to grow after a decade of it being first founded. Social Media has given our generation an opportunity like no other generations would have; gaining publicity by doing something interesting like vlogging, food review and film, skateboarding, and building public relationships. This would be when social media has gone so big that big companies start to use sponsorships to financially support the content creators and put their big brand name out there to increase the network of customers buying their products. In 2022 there are more opportunities than ever to put yourself out there. For example, Tik Tok is a rapidly growing social media platform that practically everyone uses. It has coined a new word, “TikToker” or “Tik Tok Influencer.” It’s given people the opportunity to create short entertainments where there’s endless scrolling of it based on your liking. Tik Tok has also influenced the way we discover music. On a recent study sourced by, an estimated 600 million people would find new themes each month. That’s almost double the number of Spotify users, only 345 million users!

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