Five ways to keep your online data safe

I’ll keep this short and simple. Here are five ways to protect your online data.

First, utilize a password manager like LastPass to generate and store complex passwords for every account under the sun. Remember: simple passwords like “password,” “123456,” or anything containing less than 12 characters, per Google, can lead to security breaches.

Second, don’t skip two-factor authentication (2FA). As the name suggests, 2FA is a mechanism that employs a second verification method — nowadays, this usually comes in the form of a text or push notification. So, if an intruder does manage to retrieve a password, 2FA neutralizes their ability to move forward.

Third, consider browser extensions like uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger when using a non-mobile device, which blocks ads and reduces data trackers, respectively.

Fourth, stick to recognizable and legitimate websites when inputting personal information or downloading anything from the web. If a URL lacks hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS), it’s safe to surmise that the site in question is at best questionable and at worst malicious.

Fifth, utilize a virtual private network (VPN) when connecting to public Wi-Fi. A VPN, essentially an encrypted intermediary, adds a second layer of security to browsing when using an insecure network or a website that lacks HTTPS.

NOTE: Most VPNs have a monthly cost attached.

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